Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

May God grant him a place in his hevenly Kingdom. I have always admired Audie.

Added: May 10, 2011
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:o :)

Added: May 8, 2011
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Audie Murphy one heck of a hero with a BIG heart.

Added: May 8, 2011
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I am very grateful to the heroic actions of men like Audie Murphy and their contributions to our great nation.

Added: May 8, 2011
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I have enjoyed reading about Audie Murphy. I will continue to read and tell everybody about our true american hero.

Added: May 7, 2011
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I grew up hearing about and watching audie murphy at the saturday mattinee.Then came guitars,music,and girls.
Finaly in 68 I was drafted into U S Army's 11th Armored Cavalry Regement and off to Nam.While there I learned first hand what it means to fight for your country.I was in NAM when Audie Murphy was killed and never heard the terrible news.
Tonight after watching To Hell And Back I decided to check in on an old friend only to find he's been gone a long time.Audie I understand your life was stormy,but I hope there was enough good to offset the bad.

Added: May 7, 2011
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Thank you for a job well done here, Audie was a fine man and he was my idol growing up, so i do hope he gets the medal very soon.keep up the great work here.

George A. Pasvantis
Gulfport Mississippi
%Penn Hills Pa.

Added: May 6, 2011
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I admire Audie Murphy for both his courage during the war and his movies. He seemed like a natural on screen, like he was comfortable with acting. Not an easy thing to do!

Added: May 5, 2011
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I remember well the Audie Murphy story and the movie in the 1950's. He was such an inspiration to us boys who went to the movie. Little did we know that one day we may be called into service in what was called Vietnam. I was in the Air Force from 1966-70 so never saw the rice patties of Viet Nam. I was pleased to see the web site and was not aware he was the most decorated soldier in WWII. I did remember he won the Medal of Honor. Thanks for all you are doing to keep the memory of this wonderful man and war hero alive. I wish they would recreate his story in the modern sound and technology. I think it would be well appreciated today in light of how the military is so appreciated and well supported in this country. Maybe Steven Speilberg in Hollywood would take on a recreation of the Audie Murphy story. I sure would support it. This nation continues to need more heros. Thanks again for your work on the web site. Danny L. Hanson, Veteran and proud of it. USAF :o :o

Added: May 3, 2011
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My first introduction to Mr.Audie Murphy movies was on
04/10/2011 at 6:35pm on the encore western channel. I never heard of him, knew nothing about him. The one hour and twenty-five minutes watching one of his movies call Cast A Long Shadow chanced that. I was on the hunt to see, and read as much as I could about him. After my search began all I could do was cry. My heart was over flowing and the tears continued to fall. As I continued to read about his life On IMDB,and his website my first thought was how sorry I was that his life from childhood to his death was a hard life. He over came the challenges in life except one. He was searching for something, and just did not know what for. He was a good soul but could fix what he was really feeling inside. He will be in my heart forever.

Added: May 3, 2011
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