Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

i remember my hero. :)

Added: May 28, 2011
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MY father served in north africa and italy the same time as MR Audie Murphy.And i served in vietnam in 1969 and 1970.I thank all veterans for there service.

Added: May 28, 2011
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A true veteran, one of a kind cowboy. Proud of his accomplishments.

Added: May 27, 2011
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Keep up the great work. Audie Murphy always has been and will always be the Greatest Hero of all times.

What can I do to help ?

Added: May 27, 2011
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Hi, Richard et. al., it's been a very long time since we last corresponded. I'm glad to see the Board is still here and in such great shape. Rock on!

Added: May 27, 2011
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Mr. Murphy was a hero that lived in a generation that the youth of that time had a person to look up to. He was a brave American. I wish we had more people like him today. God Bless America.
F.A. Mackewich

Added: May 27, 2011
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This great man makes me proud to be Irish!

Added: May 26, 2011
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Great men never think what they've done is great, but rather that they did it for the greater good...Murphy was one of those men.

Added: May 26, 2011
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I've always LOVED Audie

Added: May 26, 2011
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I am a long time fan of Audie Murphy. I grew up watching westerns and war films with my three older and three younger brothers. I am now fifty four years old and have a collection of DVD's that include many of Audie's films including the one that I just finished watching "To Hell and Back". Watching the film prompted me to read up on him and brought me to this site. I pity those who never had the privilege of knowing this amazing hero and actor. He's someone that I wish I had known personally.

Added: May 25, 2011
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