Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

Very informative. Can understand why so many people were proud of him. Died too young. I didn't realise that was when he died - always wondered why there wasn't more movies and info about him. Well done website.

Added: April 27, 2011
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Thank you for all you have done.

Added: April 27, 2011
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Good job! :o

Added: April 27, 2011
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I am a U.S. Air Force veteran. I have a copy of
the movie To Hell And Back. Also my home town Erwin,Tn
is the home town of sgt. Tipton who serve with Audie
in the Army, that Vance Johnson play his part.

Added: April 27, 2011
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I have the most respect for this hero of WW II. Our WWII
members of my post are going fast and AMERICA needs this kind of thing to keep their memories alive for generations to come. Audie Murphy and all WWII vets should never be forgotten. God bless all of them.

Added: April 27, 2011
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Audie Murphy is one of the reasons I join the US Army. :!rock:

Added: April 27, 2011
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Good information, glad to see site for Audie.

Added: April 27, 2011
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It i sahame that our younger generation will never know the person of Augie Murphy. He has been my hero for many years and I always watch for his movies on television. I as a veteran am proud of his service to this country and to mankind. His untimely dead has left a hold in the hearts of many people who didn't know him on a personal basis but love him through his movies and stories about him.

Added: April 26, 2011
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;) :) :!cool: ;)

Added: April 26, 2011
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Audie Murphy has always been my idol and I still watch his movies when they come on TV. I must have seen "To Hell and Back" a dozen times. His cowboy movies were also great. He was a great American.

Added: April 26, 2011
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