Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

just a big fan.

Added: September 29, 2016
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He was a great US hero and younger generations need to know his story.


Added: September 24, 2016
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Auch wenn er viele Deutsche verblendete Männer getötet oder verletzt hat, habe ich Respekt vor diesem Mann!!! Ein alter Kamerad! Im Krieg muß man eben tun was zu tun ist! Töten um selbst zu Überleben!Die hat er getan. Auch wenn es vielleicht meine Ureltern waren. Von Hitler auf die Schlachtbank geführet. Andy

Added: September 24, 2016
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Never forgotten.

Added: September 24, 2016
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Audie is an American hero. Someone who truly loved his country.

Added: September 24, 2016
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I just moved to Tucson not long ago. I love, love, love, Audie Murphy. I have for years. I was so surprised to hear of his residence in Vail Az. I have plans to visit that area. If Terry Murphy is still President of his dad's foundation, could he please post a picture of himself and his brother now. What an honor it would be to look at pictures of Audie Murphy's sons.

Thank you,

Gale Pawloski :D

Added: September 23, 2016
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I have always appreciated the courage this man had for his country and for the men that fought along side of him. As I watched the bio-video that was made was fantastic and tearful from his childhood to the day of his death. A most respectful and enlightening tribute to this great man. He will forever be honored and never forgotten.

Added: September 23, 2016
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This is the bravest man, and hero

Added: September 22, 2016
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I was stationed at William O'Darby in Furth 64' to 66'

Added: September 20, 2016
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Fantastic Soldier! So glad I have the opportunity to learn about him.

Added: September 19, 2016
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