Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

American hero ! WE are in REAL need of heros in AMERICA!
Where are the persons our young citizens can lookup to for
Guidance that display a positive lifestyle.
Thank you for your service and talent!

Added: August 2, 2014
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One of a few men that I really admire. Makes you proud to be an American

Added: August 2, 2014
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I love this web site. I think I was in my early 20's when I learned who Audie Murphy was and what he did. I was in awe then and at 66 I still am.

Added: July 31, 2014
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I loved Audie Murphy. I had a huge crush on him despite his small stature. He made up for that small stature by being a true American hero. (I also thought he was extremely handsome). I grieved when he died. What a loss...

Added: July 29, 2014
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I almost met Audie Murphy at the DAC club in Dallas. Audie stood not more than ten feet from me near the elevator on the dining room floor. He looked directly at me, a young kid, smiled, but my dad said not to bother him, so I didn't shake his hand. I wish I had.

Added: July 28, 2014
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Audie Murphy is a real inspiration to many youths across the world, for his gallantry is only surpassed by his humanity. He was a perfect fit as Henry Fleming, or 'the youth' as Crane preferred, in 'The Red Badge of Courage' (1951), where we probably get a realistic portrayal of some of the conflicting emotions Murphy himself must have felt as a young soldier enlisted in the US army on foreign territory. To conclude, Murphy symbolizes some of the best characteristics of the American youth of his day.

Added: July 26, 2014
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Audie did so much for our country, My fellow solder's
and yet forgotten already by allot, as Audie helped in the PTSD, but yet no one remembers this as well. I will continue to remind everyone who Audie was and what this soldier did for his brothers and sisters who are still serving our nation.
Audie will always be in my prayers.

Added: July 24, 2014
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I liked Audie L. Murphy's western movies as a kid long before I understood, that truth is stranger then fiction. That in reality this man, though physically small was far greater a real hero, than he portrayed in his movies. Movie stars mostly portray hero's on the big screen, that's what makes them famous, but its pure fiction. In Audie's case it is not, he is the greatest real movie star hero ever and always will be. His actual true exploits, in the heat of battle in not one, but several campaigns in the deadliest war in history, defy imagination. It is an insult to every American, that on military holiday's we don't hear and see anything about this great man's life!

Added: July 25, 2014
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Audie Murphy musem in the San Antonio VA Hostpital is great.

Added: July 25, 2014
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Born in 1964 I owe my freedom to the likes of Audie. I think I remember news of his death and for sure grew up watching his films, aware of his heroism and sad he died young, younger than I am now. Thanks to him and all his brothers in arms.

Added: July 23, 2014
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