Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

A true American hero! I've been a fan since I was a little boy

Admin reply: Thank you for your comment and devotion to Audie. You are in God's country. Audie would agree. His TM Ranch for Quarter Horses was located at Vail, Arizona.

Added: June 29, 2020
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People like Audie Murphy should never be forgotten and there history should be taught in schools across the world

Admin reply: You are right. I'm a math/business/technology teacher. A student from 10 years ago thanked me last week for sharing Murphy with her. Her husband was just inducted in the Sergeant Audie Murphy Board.

Added: June 29, 2020
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He was a great american hero and someone to look up to and respect. Loved all his movies and only wish I could have met him.

Admin reply: I agree, Jim. A great person ... never met him but I have met a few of his siblings and one of his boys. Great people.

Added: June 28, 2020
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I grew up watching Audie Murphy movies. I had the biggest crush on him. One day my mom and I were watching one of his movies and she told me of his heroism. I'm happy to have grown up right after the war and to really honor men like Mr. Murphy R.I.P.

Admin reply: Hi Karen. Thank you for your comment! Many, many young ladies had a crush on Audie and many, many young men wanted to have his bravery. You will be happy to know that many, many active duty military service people still actively research Audie too. He lives on.

Added: June 27, 2020
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We(the whole family) went on a camping trip this weekend and on the way home drove right by the exit on Interstate 10 that you would take to go to the former TM Ranch. The boys wanted to take a detour and go look at it, but Dad vetoed -- late at night already and he had to work in the morning. Plus there's a huge fire going on north of there...smoke was thick as could be, terrible visibility (it's still going on, barely contained). But wondered if anybody else has been there and if it's really approachable. From the Google map, it looks rather remote and basically uninhabited with nothing else anywhere near.

Admin reply: Hi Lisa! Great question. I actually used to work very close to there at Hughes Missile Company (now Raytheon) right off of Benson Highway when I was a young college student. I think it is approachable. You may not be able to stop, get out, and knock on the front door of the ranch. You could encounter a gated fence somewhere after leaving I-10. There is also a decommissioned Titan II Nuclear missile silo smack dab on the periphery of the property (map link: ) about 1.6 miles northwest of the TM ranch. It too would also make a great adventure, in my view. If you are back in the neighborhood, you might try it out. Maybe you will get lucky and there will be no signs posted limiting access. Good luck and let me know if you try again.

Added: June 25, 2020
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Although a German, audie fought against, he was the most popular movie star to me in my youth. Now, in my 70s I was interested in his life in more detail. He was a fascinating person, I think!

Admin reply: Vielen Dank mein Freund. Herr Murphy liebte die einfachen Leute. Wir schätzen Ihre treue Hingabe.
Deutschland ist auch wunderbar.

Added: June 24, 2020
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iam an fan for many many years

Admin reply: Thank you Phyllis for your interest and remembrance of Audie Murphy. I hope others will continue to follow Audie as you do. :o

Added: June 23, 2020
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Hello, again. Just checking in to the new website. Have visited before as a fan and admirer of Audie. Wishing all good health and to stay safe during this time. God bless.

Admin reply: Hi Sue! Thanks for all you do for Audie ... I hope you have a great time in Greenville in August and good luck on your book sales!

Added: June 23, 2020
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I come from the Murphy family that lived in the West Virginia and Ohio area. My grandpa Wilbur Murphy delivered coal along the river for man years. Don't know if there is any relation but love Susie's movies.

Admin reply: The movies are a staple in our house too! I just finished watching "Destry" and "World In My Corner" The only bad part about it was I ran out of popcorn :0).

Added: June 21, 2020
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I wanted to grow up and marry Audie Murphy. I just wanted to share that, wow, he would have been 95. I used to have in my wallet a quote of his, I have to paraphrase but he said lots of guys were heroes, heroes that weren't coming home.

Admin reply: Thank you Crystal for your kind thoughts. Thanks for remembering all of our heroes, Audie included.

Added: June 21, 2020
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