Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

I recently found Audie's many poems and that he wrote country western songs. I can't get enough information about this hero, soft spoken, Texan and American. Try looking up "Shutters and Boards"sang by Dean Martin and others. What a truly amazing and talented young man. Gone way to soon!! I miss him!! He makes my heart soar with patriotism.

Admin reply: Thank you for your message Lisa! All of Audie's music and songs are worth listening to. His poems are well quoted and worth sharing too. Take care and stay well!

Added: July 14, 2020
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Audie Murphy is STILL inspiring and encouraging Americans today. His life and sacrifices for others will remain a true witness and testimony to what a true hero is all about. May more Americans rediscover his life and the great legacy he left behind for everyone today.

Added: July 12, 2020
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As a 13 1/2 yr. Honorably discharged USAF Vet, I am truly thankful for (real) Hero's like Audie Murphy. He epitomizes what American exceptionalism actually means. Thank you for this "web site", we need to see positive, encouraging, roll models, esp. NOW...
And We Know

Admin reply: Yes, and we [do] know...

Added: July 11, 2020
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As a young lady I had such a crush on Audie Murphy. I watched his movies religiously and still do on the Stars Western Channel. It was later after I saw “To Hell and Back” that I found out he was a true war hero. A rare human being.. so very cute and brave. I would have loved to have known him.

Admin reply: Thank you for your comment Gale. He was an inspired leader which is why his feats in WWII won the hearts of all who served with him. On screen was no different. In fact, he still does. No wonder he was selected to be one of 30 in the soon-to-be-built National Garden of Heroes.

Added: July 10, 2020
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AUDIE MURPHY to me is the greatest example of courage and humbleness this country has ever produced. I'm wondering why a statue of him is not in Washinton. I also wonder what he would think of today's youth

Admin reply: Good questions. I think Audie would be firmly committed to the youth today but would say we as adults must teach them ... not turn them loose and witness the aftermath. As far as a statue goes, I don't know why isn't already in DC but Audie is one of the 30 people named for a statue in the National Garden of Heroes which I think will be part of the Mount Rushmore park. Wikipedia has info on it.

Added: July 9, 2020
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Hello! My fiance and I visited the Audie Murphy museum a few years ago. We are huge fans. Both our dads are WW2 vets. Also, we cannot get rough of Audie Murphy westerns!!!!!!

Admin reply: Congratulations on the pending nuptials! Popcorn, an Audie movie, your fiancee, a comfortable couch, a friday night ... I can't think of a better way to bond with your future spouse!

Added: July 9, 2020
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I was born in 1942 and as a child my parents were fans of Audie Murphy. We watched all his movies and read anything written about him. When I was older I could appreciate his movies and his life. I watched his movies with my children and grand children. It is more difficult to find the movies. Thank you for this website. I have 6 great grandchildren that will know about him from my grandchildren.

Admin reply: Your example as a parent and grand-parent is the kind we need more of. I am going to have my first grand-child this year and can't wait to introduce him or her to Audie.

Added: July 9, 2020
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Always loved the man for all he has done for our country; should be honored with the with the best of Americans! :!clap:

Added: July 9, 2020
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As a kid I always liked his movies till I was older to find out his war movie was based on him. One of the reason i went into the Army. God Bless him

Admin reply: Outstanding message, Randy. Thank you for your comment and especially for your service!

Added: July 8, 2020
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I was directed here from an America supporting YouTube Channel called "And We Know" and referencing people to your page. Thank you for keeping this information up, I have watched Audie's movies since I was a little boy and loved the movie made about this hero's life. God Bless for all you do.

Drew Grace
Penryn, California

Admin reply: Thank you for your thoughts and comments. I especially appreciate your visit. We are excited about the proposed Garden of Heroes that LT was referring too. In my view, it will be one of the crown jewels of the National Park system.

Added: July 8, 2020
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