Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

My dad also fought in WWII.
I have the nothing but the utmost reapect and admiration for Audie Murphy and have even started collecting his movie memorabilia. I really like his acting and his movies.
Wish he was still with us today.

Added: March 31, 2012
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I have bought all his movies tv etc have written letters to texas governor regarding Audie not receiving tx medal of freedom yet and he is dead now 41 years have written to Clint Eastwood asking that a new movie be made on this man to reintroduce him to this generation who do not know who Audie is and what he dead thank heaven his grave is the 2 nd most visited next to JFK what van honor and god bless those veterans who put a monument up where Audie passed really wish his children would try to bring their fathers legacy back to the kids today he was truly baby faced handsome young man and I miss him more each day hope someday we will hear his name more that he not be forgotten

Added: March 30, 2012
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Just wanted to pay my respect to an extraordinary man and solider, thank you for your service to our country in an incredibly difficult time! Thanks also to all that served honorably in world war II and insured that American freedom would not be stamped out be the oppression of a fascist regime.

God Bless Audie Murphy and all the many men who gave their lives to defend our way of life.

Added: March 30, 2012
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Added: March 29, 2012
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Thanking all who are responsible for this exceptional memorial site to the unforgetable,irreplaceable,once in a lifetime human being,Mr Audie Murphy. A little time dwelling on his heroic war of his mom and career etc.etc help me and people like me forget the smaller mundane complaints we may from time to time experience within our own sphere as we journey through life.The TEXICAN. GUNPOINT.and SIERRA were shown on tv recently. Audie is lovingly remembered here in Ireland. Sincerely.Johnny

Added: March 29, 2012
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Living in South africa there never hardly any news about Audie Murphy. Then I got the internetlived on the old wesite. Must absolutely congratulate the administrators on this wonderful new informative website
Thank you

Added: March 29, 2012
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As a young boy in the 1970's I would watch films on television, something about Audie Murphy interested me more than other actors. I believe now it was the spirit of the man, courage, depth and dignity. God bless his family, and the courageous soldiers who fight for our shared liberty.

Added: March 29, 2012
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I have seen most of his movies when I was young as he was one of my Great Grandfathers favorite actors and he always went to his movies he has since passed on and I knew he was awarded the purple heart. So I will always remember him.

Added: March 28, 2012
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Audie Murphy make me proud to be an American. I servied with the 1st Air Cavalry in the central highlands @ AnKhe,Vietnam. I flew Assaults with the 227th Assault Helicopter Battalion. I gave 10 years of service with the U.S.Army, Five years with the infantry in Korea and five years in Aviation. Now I am concentrating in having a Roadway dedicated in the name of Audie Murphy here in the greater city of Miami. I am getting signatures on a petitions, and am working with the veterans office here. Also getting approval from the local political representatives. I shall keep you'all informed of our progress. I checked and there is no roadway dedicated in his name, in his honor, here @ Miami/Dade county. I understand he has two sons, adventually I'll be getting in touch with them somehow, before the dedication of the roadway. My Address is 9920 SW 49th Street, Miami, Fl. 33165-6216. Home cell tele. # is 786-281-9858. Thank you and "Easter Blessings" from our family. Dan Palivoda.

Added: March 28, 2012
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I was a young woman in the 40's and I was so proud of Audie, a very handsome young man, and to know that he was a good American and that he succeeded in doing such wonderful things for all his comrades in the Service. I was so sad when he lost his life in a plane crash in the 70's. I have so enjoyed the many good movies that he has made, and I watch them as often as I can.

Added: March 28, 2012
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