Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

I am retired and living in the sun. I'm sat watching an Audie film, Gunpoint. It's a wonderful sunny evening and watching an Audie film makes me feel right at home. In these times of world crisis its nice to have a hero to watch. He was a fine example of good upright man, such a pity the politians don't act in the same manner.
Best regards

Added: May 21, 2012
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he come to celeste tx school and visit teachers and classes in the 1950' there is a murphy day celabration each year,,also a murphy park in celeste tx. the army was honored to have him..i was honored to get to see him in class in the 1950's

Added: May 21, 2012
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I heard the story of Audie Murphy from my mother when I was a kid. My father was a WW2 combat vet, so maybe I know a little more than most of my generation. I was born in the mid 1960s. In this day & age of 9/11, abuse of power, new world "order" etc. I believe the truth about our past is pertinent. I think every school kid in America should be taught the story of Audie Murphy.

I don't know what the future has in store for us, but I'm sorry to have to say it probably isn't pretty. Thank you for keeping the memory of a true American hero alive.


Added: May 21, 2012
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Thank God for people like Audie Murphy that have stood up for our freedoms by putting their own safety on the line.

Don't forget the people in our military.

Navy brat,

Patrick Mecartea

Added: May 20, 2012
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It is my pleasure and my honor to sign Mr. Murphy guestbook and to say that I have been an dedicated fan of Audie Murphy movies down thru the years and I've always liked his ways and smile. I was in the Air Force for 22 years and I finally got an assignment to Wash. D.C., and the first chance I got I went to Arlington Cemetary to see Mr. Murphy's grave and I was deeply touched and sadden to see his headstone there and I ..I...Just cried!!

Added: May 20, 2012
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After seeing "To Hell And Back", I knew I wanted to serve my country too. I joined the USAF, but did not go to VietNam and Laos till 67, 68, 69. After 12 years, I got tired of seeing friends and associates slaughtered. I became a Deputy Sheriff for four years, then went to the Police Dept. After 23 years a drunk broke my back, and here I set. I never forgot Audie's devotion to duty. In my small way, I tried to emulate Audie. I cried the day I heard he was killed. There will never be anyone even close to his devotion to God and country. We HAVE had many heroes, since, and thank God for them!

Added: May 18, 2012
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Thanks fron an air force brar :)

Added: May 17, 2012
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I met Audie Murphy when i was 12 years old in Waco, Texas. I had seen his movie "To Hell and Back" and he became my hero. My dad heard he was in town and took me out of school to meet him. He took time to chat with a me for about 5 min and I felt he cared that
I wanted to meet him. After all these years I remember that day and the positive impact it had on my life.
God Bless him and men like him!

Added: May 17, 2012
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Great man!

Added: May 16, 2012
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Added: May 16, 2012
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