Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

I am glad you are doing this

Added: July 14, 2012
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Audie Murphy, a great American hero and human being. We will always honor you. We will never forget your heroic deeds for all peoples. :)

Added: July 14, 2012
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We need more guys like Audie..

Added: July 14, 2012
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AUDIE and my father Sgt.DANIEL ALTMAN 1ST DIV 3RD ARMY,2ND WAVE OMAHA are my HEROES as I grew up!! This was the greatest generation, when we had true HEROES.We respected them for what they did, and looked up to them.They ,men like Audie and my Father are true men who did what they had to do with no great fanfair.To this day I still think of their great sacrifices, made by them.Audie did not do all his great deeds for metals,In fact to this day my 91 yr old father has never collected his Bronze star,they did it for US!!!

Added: July 14, 2012
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I was born in 1940, and, at a young age, I was fascinated by this American hero when I first became acquainted with the movie, "To Hell and Back". Audie was truly a great and brave man. In today's world, the only heroes seem to be rock stars and rap stars, and "pretend" movie heroes who are rolling in the dough and glamour. Young people don't understand what a true hero is really about. Audie Murphy was willing to give his life so others could be free and live in a free country. We don't talk that much about George Washington, John Adams, or Daniel Boone and many others who helped to form this country. Even one of my past favorite television shows has completely betrayed me by always featuring rock stars and the like on "Biography"! And we worship football stars who are paid ridiculous wages for our entertainment as well as all the others I have named. Hooray for Audie Murphy's website of honor!

Added: July 13, 2012
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Audie , you were something special . You were like no body else and like everbody else .. You were my hero and my idol. Wish i could have met you in person and had a long talk.... not about the war , but, just guy things , fishing maybe ... God bless you Audie

Added: July 13, 2012
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My father served in WWII and also is a hugh western movie fan. We are sitting together and one of Audie's movies is currently on TV. It started conversation and memories for my 88 year old father.I Googled to fill in the blanks in his memory and to provide a history lesson for myself. Thank you for providing this lovely living memorial to a true American hero.

Added: July 13, 2012
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a true american hero

Added: July 12, 2012
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Just love his story, my dad told me all about, Audie.

Added: July 12, 2012
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I grew up watching Audie Murphy movies. I am an Air Force Veteran, having served in Vietnam. I belong to the American Legion and the VFW.nor

Added: July 11, 2012
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