Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

Audie is my first cousin. I have fond memories of visiting him in Hollywood in the 50's when I was stationed in
California while in the army.

Added: August 8, 2012
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Mr. Murphy was a hard working family man. He seemed to have a hear as big as all outdoors. A big heart for such a small statured man. He is still sending out messages to the younger generation if they will just take notice. He was a proud American that did what he did for his friends. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like him. He was taken too soon. :)

Added: August 8, 2012
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I enjoyed reading the write up on Audie Murphy. I loved all of his movies.

Added: August 7, 2012
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His bravery was recorded in a book I had when I was about9. there were many heroes. We need the inspiration of selfless people to inspire the future.

I hope that USA and Texas ensure that the world remembers Americans like Audie and not he mad gunmen that murder.
Please remember the thin red line was in the Crimean war, the Die Hards won their name in Spain and Eagle Squadron nearly had their US citizenship taken away from them.
History shows us both the heroes and the fools we have to choose the future.

Added: August 7, 2012
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Thank you for letting me visit

Added: August 6, 2012
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Thanks to those responsible for this memorial to
Audie Murphy. The world owes him much more.
Olin H. Welsh, SK3c, U.S.Navy, WWII

Added: August 5, 2012
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As a child in the Fifties, one of my heroes was Audie Murphy. My mum, Olive, used to take me to the movies and I loved his films. He always played the quiet, unassuming guy and that always impressed me. So, it was no surprise to me that when I visited Washington with my wife, Pat, in 1998, we paid a visit to Arlington Cemetery and came upon Audie's modest headstone in the midst of some pretty impressive memorials. Apologies for this, but I put my hand on Audie's headstone and said: "Hello, Audie, me and my mum, Olive Corten, loved you very much." It was such a thrill, and if I find myself in Washington again I will do the same thing.

Added: August 5, 2012
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Paying tribute to an American legend and icon.

Added: August 5, 2012
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In June of 1960, Audie L. Murphy came to Kitzingen, Germany to part in a movie for the "Return To The 3rd Division Than And Now". Myself and Merle Spicer of Cedar Rapids, Iowa as 536th Military Police, given the honor of
Guarding and Protecting Audie while on the old
Air Landing strip Area. Further, we had the priviledge of a photograph which he said, "make it look like you're apprehending me". We lift him off the ground and the photo was shot. Tomorrow, August 4, 2012, I Syl am to present this photo to the Allegheny Kiski Valley Historical Society in Tarentum, PA...a great honor. I felt very close to Audie at that production.

Added: August 3, 2012
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Sure would like to aquire some of Audie Murphy movies especially western movies. They are difficult to find. hope to visit Arlington and the city of Washington in the next year. Thanks.

Added: August 2, 2012
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