Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

What can a person say about Audie Murphy. Looked like a baby and yet became the most decorated solider in WWII. Lived through the depression and served with honor through the war. Was liked by anyone who met him and his buddies. Went on to become a famous movie star. Everyone needs to remember guys like this. Without them we may not be living the way we do today. Thanks Audie,
May you rest in peace. You certainly deserve it.

Added: February 18, 2014
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Born in Nashville Tennessee in 1956 I grew up not only watching Audie Murphey movies but listening to my parents and the neighborhood parents all talk about his heroic actions. My dad spoke of his bravery. My mother, his bravery and good looks. Every neighborhood child knew his name and deeds and when anybody played Army someone would always call out " I'm going to be Audie Murphey" usually followed with a "No your not, I am" if anyone got to play army they considered themselves fortunate. Great memories from days long past that may never come again.

Added: February 17, 2014
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My son, Neal Wood was proud to serve in the 3rd Infantry, The Rock of the Marne, at Fort Stewart, Hinesville, Georgia; the same same division as Audie Murphy. My husband and I were honored to visit the museum on post and the Audie Murphy section, during the time our son was stationed there. We are now OTR truckers, and we pass thru Greenville, Texas every other day in our rig. One of these days soon, we are going to come up in our pickup, and visit his museum there. "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."

Added: February 17, 2014
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I appreciate that you are trying to keep Audie's memory alive; it should be. My grandson was born on 20 June, 2010. The fact that he shares Audie's birthday is a great source of pride for me; you may rest assured that I will do my best to make that Audie is remembered for what he was - A patriot, a soldier, a Texan... A Hero.

Added: February 15, 2014
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Just took my son to Washington . The first thing he wanted to see was Audie Murphy's grave. How can we forget this man. With all of the synthetic heroes out there, I wanted him to pay his respects to an authentic one. There are many people of real bravery still out there but Audie Murphy happens to be a favorite of mine. We cannot forget this man and what he did for us.

Added: February 14, 2014
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Wouldn't mind posting a photo of Audies funeral in Arlington. I was one of the cassion riders in the OLD Guard Caisson Platoon, 3rd infantry who actually was in his funeral. Each one of us who were in it where given a 8x10 photo of us carrying his remains on the cassion. Not sure how to go about it though.

Added: February 13, 2014
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I am a Viet'nam veteran 4 battalion infantry 1971 I see that he also suffered P.T.S.D I suffer also I grew up watching him on tv I also had a problem with sizs but like him i over come it .I would just like to say that I admire him very much. 2257924 Alan.R.Smith

Added: February 11, 2014
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I went to visit for the first time the memorial site on Brushy Mt near Roanoke Va on Feb/10th 2014. My son John went with me and I just wanted to share the inspirational experience we had in visiting the site near the plane crash in 1971. It brought back a lot of memories to me of where I was at the time of the crash. Also the heroism of a great combat soldier and leader. He is one true American that his memory should live on forever. I have always enjoyed his country/western films and war stories he portrayed in the movies. He is one of the greatest heroes of the 20Th century and admired by many who can relate to his background as being such a shy, humble and yet courageous man that America should forever respect and love. Respectfully, Rodger Hawks

Added: February 11, 2014
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He was a true hero. I am interested in writing a juvenile biography of Audie Murphy. As a librarian, haven't seen one.

Added: February 10, 2014
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My father told me more about Audie Murphy than any history book or media source over the last 40+ years. I look forward to my research and subsequent book on this remarkable hero in American History.

Added: February 9, 2014
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