Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

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Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

A true American Hero.... RIP Audie Murphy...

Added: December 5, 2016
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always admired Audie Murphy and the way he lived and his deeds on and off battlefield

Added: December 4, 2016
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After reading this amazing bio and seeing how hard he tried to help those with PTSD
I think the new admin for va should be petitioned to name a PTSD clinic after him. They just opened or are about to opens large mental health clinic at va Seattle.what a legacy and inspiration to have it named after Murphy!48073

Added: December 3, 2016
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I recently served as a RI Vet Corps Navigator as part of Americorps. I am 62 years old, and my father is a veteran and served in the Air Force. I remember the Viet Nam era and continue to see veterans who are homeless and traumatized; also those from the more recent wars overseas. Two years ago I was able to go for an MA in Holistic Counseling.Though it is wonderful that the VA sponsors many of these successful treatments,even now I grieve for veterans like Audie Murphy, and families like his. Someone who served so selflessly and for noble reasons deserved to heal from the horrors that are not lived by the average person. We all deal with trauma, hopefully, and grieving is a process. It is the bridge between surviving, going through motions, and thriving--enjoying and learning from life. Veterans of war need learn to live without the constant fight or flight condition. I am in the process of writing scenario that deals with PTSD. There are wonderful therapies, including pets. Audie was an animal lover, it seems, and I believe they brought him comfort and joy. God made animals to bless our lives. It is good to see that Audie and all the veterans he represents are not forgotten.

Added: December 1, 2016
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Grew up watching "TO HELL AND BACK" can never say thanks enough. Sadly watching info on plane crash. We should have "AUDIE DAY"
in recognition for his giving back to help other Vet's.

Added: December 1, 2016
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Audie Murphy displayed what was best in America. I admire him more than anyone else that I can think of past or present. He was a man of great bravery and outstanding character. He seemed like a humble man who served his country with great honor. I was in high school when the movie to Hell and Back came out. That was when I first heard about this great American.

We could use some like him in the USA today. RIP

Added: November 30, 2016
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I was so impressed and in awe of Audie Murphy and his service to our country. I will be forever grateful for his sacrifice along with many soldiers who have their lives for us to have freedom. Another forgotten soldier I learned of was, Guy Gabaldon called the "Pied Piper of Saipan", but so little is known of him also. His movie is so obscure and unavailable to rent or buy.
Let's rally and remember our heroes who sacrificed for all of us to have our freedom today! I want to show my thanks.
Thank you Audie Murphy, you were brave and courageous and selfless.

Added: November 29, 2016
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He was & Still Is My Hero
Every Time I Think Of Him
My Heart Hurts
I Feel So Sad
He Dsird A Better Life
More Respected
I Am Sorry But I have Dislexioa
So I do Not Spell Very Well

I am So Sad about his Life
About what he Went Throw
There Needs To Be a
ReMake of His Movie

To Hell & Back
Knows Whoe He Is & Was ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
1 Of the Best Men If Not The Greasted Man Who Ever Lived ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Added: November 29, 2016
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if ever a more deserving person earned such an honor, i don't know who it may be . Audie Murphy has been one of my favorite person's ever since i was a young lad of thirteen years of age when i saw the movie to HELL AND BACK in 1955

Added: November 29, 2016
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I've admired Mr. Murphy since I was a little boy watching his movies, and still watch his movies.

Added: November 27, 2016
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