Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  


Added: November 24, 2019
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How do I become a member? I am an avid fan of Audie Murphy and have made a crusade of making sure I inform everyone who will listen of who he was and what he did and the price he paid for it. I saw a recent post from an individual named Betty and I just wanted to tell her that I appreciated her correction on Audie's formal education. This weekend I plan to take my grandson's to Arlington. The kids today know nothing of WWII but I have made sure that mine I have been taught that without those men who fought and died before they ever learned to live are not forgotten. This world will NEVER see the likes of another Audie Murphy!

Added: November 22, 2019
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A great American hero

Added: November 19, 2019
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November 15, 2019

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Audie was one of the greatest heroes and a great movie star. He serves the medal of honor in so many ways.

Added: November 12, 2019
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I haven't forgotten him. My father told me about him He was a Marine in WWII.

Added: November 11, 2019
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From childhood, Audie Murphy was my hero, my favorite movie star of all time. As I grew, I learned of his heroic battle and becoming the most decorated American soldier which to me, made him even more of a hero! As a woman of 66 yrs. now, he still is my favorite movie star and I watch his movies every time they are on. NO! I could never forget Audie Murphy! :!inlove: :o

Added: November 11, 2019
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Major Murphy was a great man and patriot. I admire his manner and personality. I always teach and keep his memory alive with younger soldiers and teenagers. It is a true honor to sign this guestbook. He has helped to inspire me in my military career. I have served over 35 years in the Army, Reserve, and National Guard.

Added: November 10, 2019
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Audie Murphy is one of America's great Patriots and Hero. As a veteran myself, I thank him for his above and beyond service to our country. It's ashamed that he had to die in an aircraft accident. May God bless your soul Audie and RIP.

Added: November 7, 2019
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I remember Mr Murphy well; I even recall the day when he died in the plane crash. I thought he was awesome and such an inspiration to Americans everywhere! During college (Grayson County JR College), the dorm parents told me stories of Mr Murphy, back in Farmersville, where they said he grew up. I am hopeful that the entire HWY 380 gets permanently named after him - not just a small section. Mr Murphy had true grit - tough as nails, loved his country, an inspiration to all. Thank you for your service, sir! :)

Added: November 4, 2019
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