Audie Murphy Memorial GuestbookSponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.
I've just been visiting this website for the first time. I stumbled on it by luck after doing a search on Google about his life. I read a Wikipedia article and then saw this site on the Google bibliography. Audie Murphy was one of my heroes after seeing the movie To Hell and Back when I was in high school. I had seen some of his western movies but did not know much about his earlier life. He was truly one of our country's greatest men. It is tragic that he died at a relatively young age. I am glad to have discovered this information and wonder if the site is still being actively supported. I would gladly sign the petition that is being circulated but I have no Facebook or Twitter accounts and probably would never get one. I am 74 years old. Audie was only about 16 years older than I when he died. He is an inspiration not only because of his war heroism but because of overcoming such tremendous poverty and disadvantage as a youngster. His strength of character would have assured his success in life if he had never joined the Army. Thank you for this website. I will visit it again to learn more. Added: December 6, 2014
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Name:Earl Hollabaugh From: Cleveland, ohio Powered by PHP Guestbook - brought to you by PHP Scripts
Name:Ron Blinn
From: Burns Lake, British Columbia, Canada
E-mail: ronbren@telus.net
One of my favorite Actors. His courage and Bravery has given me strength over the years.
Added: December 7, 2014