Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

I have seen most of Audie's movies and own a lot. I feel that even today his values in his life and in his films can inspire young people and people like me in the baby boom generation

Added: June 12, 2012
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I had no idea he was a war hero, I love westerns and enjoy watching him. He was truly a great actor and always maintained his 'boyish' charms. May he rest in peace.

Added: June 11, 2012
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A true American hero, Audie Murphy is forgotten by most young folks. As the veterans of WWII die off their heroic defeat of fascism passes from living memory to history and is lost. Like Alvin York from WWI, another great American hero, soon he will be all but completely forgotten by all but a few.

Added: June 11, 2012
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Thank You for serving, good and faithful servent

Added: June 11, 2012
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I remember watching Audie Murphy Movies and hearing of his remarkable war heroism I truly miss him I pray for his family and all that miss him as i do. We as Americans need more men like him. God Bless.

Added: June 11, 2012
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Ft. Bliss Sergeant Audie Murphy member.

Added: June 11, 2012
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:) Lt.Murphy has always been,And always been my hero. He rates up there with Gen.George patton, President ,General George Washigton, General A.S. Johnson, Sgt. Alvin York, Major Gregory Boington, General William Dolittle and the Marquis Laffyette and all of those who have given thier last full measure of loyalty and devotion to this Republic.

Added: June 11, 2012
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Meanwhile 66 years old I still remember his Western Movies I saw as a child. Had no idea about that he was such a hero before I got internet. He is The Greatest. Unfortunately youngsters of nowadays are so different

Added: June 11, 2012
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Just returned from Europe where we visited WWII battle sites and the site where Mr. Murphy fought single-handedly for hours to save his men from certain death. He was an honest hero, not celebrity.

Added: June 11, 2012
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such a wondeful man and patriot.

Added: June 11, 2012
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