Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

Very impressive man. I enjoyed the website.
God bless America!

Added: September 8, 2022
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Was guard and protector along with Merle Spicer of Cedar Rapids, Iowa for Audie L. Murphy in Kitzingen, Germany, June 20 1960. NOTE: This special Month and Day, June 20, was the month and day, by coinsidence was Audie Murphy was Born!

Added: September 8, 2022
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Was a fantastic soldier & great filmstar. He left us far too soon.
Rest in peace Audie.

Added: September 7, 2022
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This is an interesting websight and one every American should visit. Audie Murphy was truly an American hero, one of a kind. It's unfortunate that he was killed in a plane crash at such a young age (45). I would have like to learn what kind of person he was.

Added: September 6, 2022
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As a fellow war veteran I am and always will be an admirer of Mr. Murphy. My father would often tell me of Audie Murphy's war heroics along with those of actor Neville Brand.

Added: September 6, 2022
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I have recently discovered Audie Murphy and all of his Cowboy movies! I love old Westerns and was watching TCM and just happened to watch the movie ride Clear of Diablo, I truly was in love!! I have watched all of his westerns over and over,never get tired! I was reading about his life and found served our country!
My father also served our country Vietnam and Korean war
So many soldiers never received credit for all they gave us! I hope someday Audie receives the credits he deserves as well as the others!

Added: September 5, 2022
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Thank you for providing the Audie Murphy website as a venue to educate others and to pay tribute to one of our country’s greatest hero’s.

Added: August 25, 2022
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This is a wonderful idea. People today do not appreciate nor understand our
history. How we became a great nation is due to people like A. Murphy and
quite a life he led. Heroes are things of the past unfortunately and I feel blessed to have been alive with many of them. People to look up to, to know there is good in this world. Heroes can be Roy Rogers or Bat Man but who
are they today? My grandchildren and great grandchildren are coming into a world that is uncertain and full of hate and discontent stirred up by peopl
wanting power and not caring. Fortunately, I am surrounded by caring people
who believe as I do and hope that it will not fade away.

Thank you for this site.

Added: August 23, 2022
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Have been a fan of, Auddie Murphy since I was, old enough to, read. He was an, awesome person. sad ending.

Added: August 23, 2022
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I am a proud member of the SGT Audie Murphy Club.

Added: August 15, 2022
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