Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoThis image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission.Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website LogoDmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
The official website for Audie Murphy.

Audie Murphy Memorial Guestbook

Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  

I was always impressed with this man from the first time I saw To Hell and Back as a little boy. I saw an obituary in our local paper and recognized the division as being the same as Audie's so I reviewed several different web sites with information on his life and career.

I am even more in awe of his strength, character, adaptability, and endurance. I am also saddened that in his era there wasn't more help for his PTSD.

His quotes are among my favorites because so many of them are still spot on.

Thank God we have men like this in our world even today.

Added: September 15, 2017
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I watch most of his movies that can get on You Tube. He should be remember at a Veteran, actor and father. I am ex military and respect what he did for his country. Boy, is he needed today with the way the world is going. What would he think of North Korea??

Added: September 14, 2017
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I am impressed to see more and more people interested in many of our great heros of the America's. So many of our heros go unnoticed through out our decades of violence and heroism. Thank you for the page on one of most decorated man of the century.

Added: September 14, 2017
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This man is my hero. It is because of him I just recently enlisted into the U.S. Army myself, in the hope to someday be as great as he once was and still is.

Added: September 11, 2017
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I am 75 year old lady who has always love Audie Murphy. It was back in the 50s, we were living in Taiwan. That's when I got to see the movie To He'll and Back. My dad worked for the US Navy at that time. His boys were always so cute. Wish I could see what they look like today...more like their mom or their dad. :D

Added: September 8, 2017
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A true hero, we need more men like you today, Audie.

Added: September 8, 2017
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No idea about him till i read this in facebook. Very well impressed.

Added: September 4, 2017
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I am a retired educator/coach that has always admired Audie Murphy. He was a person that endured a tough childhood that took on obstacles that most people would have run from. His courage in war and presence in film makes him an intriguing person to study. He is surely one of the great people of the last 100 years. All children should be given the opportunity to learn the story of his life. He is an inspiration to how one should behave in time of crisis.

Added: September 5, 2017
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A heck of a soldier, a good man and a loss of a talented actor.

Added: September 5, 2017
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At a very young age my father started teaching me the importance of being an American and our duty at any cost for freedom. The blood shed to keep this honer alive. Our duty as an American to never falter at the alter of freedom. Audie Murphy was a hero in our home.

Added: September 3, 2017
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