Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website Logo This image is copyrighted © 2010, by Dave Phillips. All rights reserved. Used by written permission. Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website Logo Dmitri Vail painting, 1962, on display the Audie Murphy Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas.  Photo by M.D.Marks. Click for a bigger view.
Texas Legislative Record documentation researched and provided by Mr. Dave Phillips.
TEXAS HOUSE RESOLUTION 263: Austin, Texas; Friday, June 1, 1945
Sponsored by the Audie Murphy Research Foundation, a non-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) educational foundation recognized by the IRS.  
Paying Tribute to Audie Murphy for Gallantry During World War II
Texas State Seal

WHEREAS, The War Department has again honored a courageous young Texas soldier in the person of Lieutenant Audie L. Murphy of Farmersville, Texas, by decorating him with the Congressional Medal of Honor. He is the second man in the army to win every existing medal of valor, and is the only Texas boy to be thus honored; and

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Murphy, alone and wounded, somewhere in France last January, stopped the advance of two entire German infantry companies that were supported by six tanks; and

WHEREAS, He beat back two hundred and fifty attacking enemy infantrymen and six tanks almost single-handedly; and

WHEREAS, By his courage and determination to win, he has handed down to all Texas the glory and courage that has made Texas soldiers the greatest fighters in the world; and

Texas HSR No. 263
dated June 1, 1945
PDF Document

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Murphy did stop the German advance by climbing onto a burning tank destroyer which had received a direct hit from a eighty-eight millimeter shell; and

WHEREAS, He was completely exposed to enemy fire and the blaze under him threatened to set off the tank destroyer ammunition any moment; and

WHEREAS, On two more occasions he did stand surrounded by smoke and flames until his clothes were riddled and burned from him and his leg badly wounded; and

WHEREAS, At this point, he swung his machine gun upon twelve Germans, killing all; Therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the House of Representatives, That we here and now pay tribute to this gallant and courageous young Texan for his splendid defense of our beloved America; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this Resolution be sent to the family of this very splendid young soldier and that when the House of Representatives adjourns today, we do so in respect and honor of Lieutenant Audie L. Murphy of Farmersville, Texas; and be it so resolved.

Audie Murphy's US Army formal medals
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Website.
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Last Update: June 23, 2020

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